How Visa Claims Resolution will affect dispute flow?

How Visa Claims Resolution will affect dispute flow?

On the 15th of April, Visa Claims Resolution comes into effect and the dispute process will undergo changes.

With the VCR implementation, dispute resolution rules will be modified and all current reason codes will be replaced by new reason codes and grouped into the following categories: Fraud, Authorization, Processing Error and Consumer Disputes.

Disputes will be divided into two different workflows: Allocation and Collaboration:

Allocation: Fraud and Authorization related chargebacks will be routed to the Allocation workflow. For disputes in this category, Visa will perform automated checks and reject invalid disputes.

Note that the documentation requirements are stricter in VCR for valid Allocation chargebacks.

New VCR Allocation Dispute Categories:
10. Fraud
• 10.1 – EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit Fraud
• 10.2 – EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit Fraud
• 10.3 – Other Fraud-Card Present Environment
• 10.4 – Other Fraud-Card Absent Environment
• 10.5 – Visa Fraud Monitoring
11. Authorization
• 11.1 – Card Recovery Bulletin
• 11.2 – Declined Authorization
• 11.3 – No Authorization

Collaboration: Processing Error and Consumer Disputes will be forwarded to this workflow, where the defense process will remain the same as it is today. For Collaboration disputes, Visa has reduced the representment timeframe to 30 days.

New VCR Collaboration Dispute Categories:
12. Processing Errors
• 12.1 – Late Presentment
• 12.2 – Incorrect Transaction Code
• 12.3 – Incorrect Currency
• 12.4 – Incorrect Account Number
• 12.5 – Incorrect Amount
• 12.6 – Duplicate Processing/Paid by Other Means
• 12.7 – Invalid Data
13. Consumer Disputes
• 13.1 – Merchandise/ Services Not Received
• 13.2 – Cancelled Recurring
• 13.3 – Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/ Services
• 13.4 – Counterfeit Merchandise
• 13.5 – Misrepresentation
• 13.6 – Credit Not Processed
• 13.7 – Cancelled Merchandise/Services
• 13.8 – Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted
13.9 – Non-Receipt of Cash or Load Transaction Value

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