Meet Maxpay at Panama GB Summit 2018

Meet Maxpay at Panama GB Summit 2018

Panama GB Summit is an annual event held to generate and reinforce relationships between top companies and decision makers from America’s e-commerce and online processing industry.

Maxpay, as an international payment provider, will take part in this remarkable event on 8-10 February 2018, in Panama City.  We would be happy to make new contacts, as well as meet with old friends.

You can find us in the Exhibition Hall at Booth №5, or at the Meet Market at table №22. And, at the end of Day 1, you can join the Disco Party sponsored by Maxpay and Chargebacks911.

To make an appointment, you can contact:

Margarita Sokolova Head of Sales & Business Development at Maxpay
Margarita Sokolova
Head of Sales & Business Development at Maxpay

Julia Silkina Sales Manager at Maxpay
Julia Silkina
Sales Manager at Maxpay

See you at Panama GB Summit!