Analyze your clients’ 3D Secure usage with Maxpay

Analyze your clients’ 3D Secure usage with Maxpay

It is no wonder that the 3D secure (aka 3DS) protocol is widely discussed and used among merchants. Not only it is a valuable security tool for fraud prevention but is needed to comply with PSD2.

Our team knows how crucial it is for a business to track all its financial operations to choose their further strategies accordingly. That is why we updated our transaction report feature. It now contains a 3DS flow of transactions, so you understand how clients interact with a 3D Secure protocol.

The 3D Secure flow is a custom parameter – you can add it to the list of parameters your transaction report will contain. You can find the results in the “3Ds Flow” column of the transaction report. Using this information, you can analyze how most of your customers react and use the 3D Secure feature.

Maxpay is PSD2 compliant and offers our clients 3D secure services so that merchants can better protect themselves and their customers from fraud. Contact our team to find out more at

A quick reminder: 3D Secure protocol is used to verify the customer’s identity when they buy something from the merchant’s website. In 2016, it was updated to the 3D Secure 2.0 version (3DS2), which has become more sufficient and better suited for the PSD2 requirements.

The Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) is the EU regulation that introduced strong customer authentication (SCA) to make online shopping safer. SCA requires a two-factor authentication of a buyer. This means that a customer needs to provide data on two of these things:

  • something a person knows, like a password;
  • something a person has, like a phone to approve the authentication request;
  • something a person is, for instance, a fingerprint recognition technology can be used for this;

Please note, that the SCA compliance deadline for most of the EU merchants passed on 31 December 2020.

For more detailed information please check out Maxpay’s article: “What is 3D Secure and why merchants need it”.